What do you think about Estelle?

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

I'm in Hufflepuff

My traits are family oriented, reader, hopeless romantic, artistic, romantic and very sensible.
Thanks for Jess because I love the Doll Maker. My owl is called Graciosa (that means funny).

3 comentarios:

  1. Aww, you're welcome Elinha. I use it all the time to create my fanfic charcters like Liddy. =-D

  2. Here's me!!! http://www.iaza.com/work/100516C/Me_At_Hogwarts59841.png

  3. Could you please delete thee two comments above? It's just Liddy isn't REALLY a fanfic character. She's an orginal character but I wanted to put her out there and for people to know her so I thought I should put her in a fanfiction. I then realised that she is simply too good for that as she is special and wonderful.
